A gorilla permit is like an entry visa to allow you to attract the gorillas, which must be represented at the park headquarters before heading for tracking. It is a must to carry your permit along with you for the trekking. You tour operator may have these on his files with his guide so as to aid you through all formalities at the park headquarters so as to put you at ease as you proceed for briefing on the day of trekking. No matter where you are trekking from, whether Rwanda or Uganda, a permit is need for this activity which you must have obtain, before the day for trekking, mostly advisable 3 – 4 months earlier due to high competition for these permits as they are totally limited to a restricted number of trackers per day.

Company to help in purchasing a Gorilla permit.

Rwanda Eco Company and Safaris or Beyond Kigali City Tours team can help you access all these arrangements of permit and your gorilla safari booking in time and well organized for you to have a memorable lifetime gorilla safari in Africa.

Tracking Time Limit

Assembling for briefing from one of the park rangers at the Kinigi Park or Bwindi headquarters starts is limited to 7:00 – 7:30 at latest. Gorilla tracking time is limited from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. All visitors are expected back at the campground by 7:00 p.m.

Visitor’s Passport Information

After full confirmation of the booking, passport details of the trackers will be required at the RDB to enable writing out the gorilla permits. Please ensure the full names, passport number and countries of passport issuance are sent to your tour operator for these formalities. Please note: You must be 15 years of age and above to obtain a gorilla viewing permit.